
Just Job Recruitment

Recruiting people for a company is a complex theory. These days, more and more companies are inclining to recruit people only to work in a group. They are assigning the people in a group. They believe that there will be more profit if the company personnel are assigned in a group. The basic concept they entertain is that people can produce much if they work together; work together, be together, and solve your matters, disputes, issues, and problems whatever within that concerned group. They intentionally or unintentionally avoid people with unfriendly nature.

Hardly would there be anyone who has not experienced the disappointed feelings of rejection after an interview.

But, the main purpose behind recruiting is selecting a right person without influencing the justice factor. There are different types of people with different kinds of natures, moods, mental temperaments, behavioral patterns, and so on. Some people are introvert, some people are extrovert. Such patterns include people who are soft spoken or talkative, lonely or with lots of friends, mingling or bothering, shy or outgoing and social. There are people who are at their par excellence only when they are in a group; they feel great working in companies of others. This type of people even hardly prefers to be alone; they find excuses to meet others. Undoubtedly, they produce excellently but only while working together. They might become a better leader comparing to the others. On the other, there are people who refrain themselves from any groups. They only prefer to work individually or alone and show their abilities. Their talents cannot be judged only through the first impression or through the outer look of their personas; only with the course of time, you become familiar with the exact traits. In comparison, they can undoubtedly give much more time than that of others to their duties, and are more dedicated with commitments.

Many candidates who are highly qualified and suitable for a particular requirement may not be able to impress the interviewer during a stipulated interview time lasting for just few minutes. On the contrary, many others are those who are neither fully qualified nor fit for the particular job, but they somehow manage to impress the interviewers during those minutes by responding questions with readymade answers; and amazingly they also succeed to get the job.